To add to your list at the bottom, I very much enjoyed Mircea Cărtărescu of Romania and Ismael Kadare of Albania. Shame greats like these are left out of debates because their nations are so often overlooked
To add to your list at the bottom, I very much enjoyed Mircea Cărtărescu of Romania and Ismael Kadare of Albania. Shame greats like these are left out of debates because their nations are so often overlooked
when you started this publication, told you about the book that "made" me, a short novel called "the secret of dr honigberger" by mircea eliade. as an author, cartarescu is ok but to me eliade is ten times above. it is a pity that he is not know enough. eliade was a philosepher, fiction writer but mostly an historian of religions. and oh, he was a professor at the university of chicago. there are other romanian writers: eugene ionescu (theatre and essays), nichita stanescu (poetry) and so on.
to me the greeks and the chinese are the greatest influencers in literature
To add to your list at the bottom, I very much enjoyed Mircea Cărtărescu of Romania and Ismael Kadare of Albania. Shame greats like these are left out of debates because their nations are so often overlooked
when you started this publication, told you about the book that "made" me, a short novel called "the secret of dr honigberger" by mircea eliade. as an author, cartarescu is ok but to me eliade is ten times above. it is a pity that he is not know enough. eliade was a philosepher, fiction writer but mostly an historian of religions. and oh, he was a professor at the university of chicago. there are other romanian writers: eugene ionescu (theatre and essays), nichita stanescu (poetry) and so on.
to me the greeks and the chinese are the greatest influencers in literature
Is it available in English, that Eliade book? Very much want to read it based on your description of it
dont know but i'll try to find it
i will try to find an ebook version
Amazing, thank you! May have to indulge my tendency to order physical copies of books to my Mum’s house while I’m out of the country 😅
I’ll look for their work, thanks!
100%. Excellent point very well made.