Orwell’s 1984. I read it over night, years ago. It haunts me since then. I just can NOT shake it off. And how tf he predicted everything that’s happening now, everywhere?
Don’t get me wrong. The book is fantastic. But I really do wish to shake off its effect on me.
PS: it’s the same with the film The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Damn. Eve…
Orwell’s 1984. I read it over night, years ago. It haunts me since then. I just can NOT shake it off. And how tf he predicted everything that’s happening now, everywhere?
Don’t get me wrong. The book is fantastic. But I really do wish to shake off its effect on me.
PS: it’s the same with the film The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Damn. Even typing the name makes me shiver from horror effect THAT ending had on me 😬
Orwell’s 1984. I read it over night, years ago. It haunts me since then. I just can NOT shake it off. And how tf he predicted everything that’s happening now, everywhere?
Don’t get me wrong. The book is fantastic. But I really do wish to shake off its effect on me.
PS: it’s the same with the film The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Damn. Even typing the name makes me shiver from horror effect THAT ending had on me 😬
I can honestly say that I have never recovered from reading The Boy in the Striped Pajamas! I have read loads of WWII books and that one got to me.
I can totally understand that. I’m not even approaching the book as the film had such a devastating effect on me.
1984 is pretty grim - not much is made of that now - it is treated by the English as a silly party piece.