Wow. I am not sure I have had relationships like this with a book but I have definitely had that with movies. Certain films I used to like as a kid became films I really didn't like as an adult and vice versa. Tarkovsky's Solaris adaptation, for example, was a tedious movie I could not get through when I was a teenager but now I find it …
Wow. I am not sure I have had relationships like this with a book but I have definitely had that with movies. Certain films I used to like as a kid became films I really didn't like as an adult and vice versa. Tarkovsky's Solaris adaptation, for example, was a tedious movie I could not get through when I was a teenager but now I find it to be fascinating, a picture that never fails to hold my interest. Indeed, it is amazing how time can change your perception of a work.
Wow. I am not sure I have had relationships like this with a book but I have definitely had that with movies. Certain films I used to like as a kid became films I really didn't like as an adult and vice versa. Tarkovsky's Solaris adaptation, for example, was a tedious movie I could not get through when I was a teenager but now I find it to be fascinating, a picture that never fails to hold my interest. Indeed, it is amazing how time can change your perception of a work.
This is so cool because my younger daughter just watched it and felt the same way--I wonder how she’ll feel rewatching it in a few years.